peer-to-peer sports data with the SDQL API
user name
-- create account --
-- reset token --

Peer Databases

NBA, WNBA, NCAABB, NFL, NCAAFB, CFL, NFLPRE, NHL, MLB, ATP, Premier League, World Cup, Womens World Cup, Major League Soccer, UFC, UFCW

Open Source Tools

Ubuntu is the operating system and philosophy. NginX is the http server. Tornado serves is the web framework. PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) is used to parse the SDQL. A database is a Python object, namely a list of lists.


Welcome to peer-sourced sports data with the Sports Data Query Language (SDQL). The databases are listed to the left and are organized by league. Clicking on the name of a league gives a bare-boned SDQL query page. Each query page shows the contributing users and their uploaded data parameters.

You can use the API to build SDQL apps with existing data, add your own data, and even start a new database. Every database deserves a query language: sports data deserve the SDQL.

Internal Links

How to get an SDQL API token.

GET and POST data with the SDQL API.

Control peer data access with the settings API.

External Links

The Sports Data Query Language manual.

The SDQL API discussion group.

The SDQL discussion group.          eyeball communications llc